We trade with MESH, known as Maximizing Employment to Serve the Handicapped, who serves as a trading partner for over 40 disabled or former leprosy affected artisan groups in India. MESH started working with communities of leprosy affected and their dependents in the 1960s to help them start earning and stand on their own. The stigma is too strong in India and many can not return home to their villages; their dignity is lost. They develop their own self sustaining communities with income generating activitites and also recieve pensions and medical care from the government. Craft work is a form of rehabilitation that has been taught in these communities, where weaving, block printing, wood work, pottery and other trades are taught.
I've had the opportunity to visit many of the groups MESH trades with to experience their work and the beautiful products they make. We are proud to sell their products to help bring dignity and respect to disabled people in India. Your purchases do make a difference.
Watch this amazing video below that captures their work and who they work with well done by volunteer film maker, Matthew Robinson.
MESH works with a
wide variety of artisan groups who specialize in weaving, painting, card making, ceramics and various crafts. We carry a colorful collection of Handwoven Cotton Handbags, Purses and Shoulder Bags from Bethany's Leprosy Colony in South India, a rehabilitational unit to support women and wives of leprosy affected. The bags they make are bright, colorful and great quality, just like the one featured to the left.
Click here to view all the MESH bags, woven table linens, soft toys and more we sell on our website!
Watch this amazing video below that captures their work and who they work with well done by volunteer film maker, Matthew Robinson.
MESH works with a
Click here to view all the MESH bags, woven table linens, soft toys and more we sell on our website!
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